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This function prepares forecasts to adhere to probabilistic forecast submission guidelines for consortia such as FluSight.


  method = "ts",
  .target = "wk ahead inc flu hosp",
  format = "hubverse",
  horizon_shift = 1



Forecasts to be formatted for submission; if method is "ts" this should be forecasts from ts_fit_forecast; otherwise this must be a tibble with forecast output (e.g., output from glm_forecast) with a column designating "location"


Method for forecasting; default is "ts" which will trigger the use of ts_format_for_submission internally


Name of the target in the forecast; default is "wk ahead inc flu hosp"


The submission format to be used; must be one of "hubverse" or "legacy"; default is "hubverse"


Number of horizons to shift backwards to align with reference date; only used if format is "hubverse"; default is 1


A named list of tibbles with probabilistic forecasts (one for each model), formatted for submission.

If format is "hubverse" each tibble will have the following columns:

  • reference_date: Date of reference for forecast submission

  • horizon: Horizon for the given forecast

  • target: Name of forecasted target

  • target_end_date: Last date of the forecasted target (e.g., Saturday of the given epidemiological week)

  • location: Name or geographic identifier (e.g., FIPS code) for location for the given forecast

  • output_type: Type of forecasted value (e.g., "quantile")

  • output_type_id: The quantile for the forecasted value if output_type is "quantile"

  • value: The forecasted value

If format is "legacy" each tibble will have the following columns:

  • forecast_date: Date of forecast

  • target: Horizon and name of forecasted target

  • target_end_date: Last date of the forecasted target (e.g., Saturday of the given epidemiological week)

  • location: Name or geographic identifier (e.g., FIPS code) for location for the given forecast

  • type: One of either "point" or "quantile" for the forecasted value

  • quantile: The quantile for the forecasted value; NA if "type" is "point"

  • value: The forecasted value


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get raw data from
h_raw <- get_hdgov_hosp(limitcols=TRUE)

# Prep, and make a tsibble
prepped_hosp <- prep_hdgov_hosp(h_raw, statesonly=TRUE)
prepped_hosp_tsibble <- make_tsibble(prepped_hosp,
                                     epiyear = epiyear,
# Limit to only Virginia and US
prepped_hosp_tsibble <-
  prepped_hosp_tsibble %>%
  dplyr::filter(location %in% c("US", "51"))

# Fit a model
hosp_fitfor <- ts_fit_forecast(prepped_hosp_tsibble,

# Format for submission
formatted_list <- format_for_submission(hosp_fitfor$tsfor, method = "ts", format = "legacy")
} # }