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This function retrieves hospital utilization time series data distributed through Data are aggregated to the state granularity from facility level reports via HHS TeleTracking, HHS Protect, and the National Healthcare Safety Network (historically). Users can optionally filter to include all fields or restrict to a prespecified set of fields relevant to COVID and influenza hospital utilization. The results are returned as a tibble.


  endpoint = "",
  app_token = Sys.getenv("HEALTHDATA_APP_TOKEN"),
  limitcols = FALSE,
  shift_back = TRUE



URL to endpoint


App token from; default is to look for environment variable called "HEALTHDATA_APP_TOKEN" and if a token is not supplied to proceed with possibility of rate limitation (see "Details" for more information)


Logical as to whether or not to limit to prespecified set of columns (see "Value" section for more details); default FALSE


Logical as to whether or not the dates for the retrieved data should be shifted back to reflect previous day; default is TRUE


A tibble with at least the following columns:

  • state: Abbreviation of the state

  • date: Date of report

  • flu.admits: Count of flu cases among admitted patients on previous day

  • flu.admits.cov: Coverage (number of hospitals reporting) for incident flu cases

  • flu.deaths: Count of flu deaths on previous day

  • flu.deaths.cov: Coverage (number of hospitals reporting) for flu deaths

  • Count of flu cases among ICU patients on previous day

  • Coverage (number of hospitals reporting) for flu ICU cases

  • flu.tot: Count of total flu cases among admitted patients

  • flu.tot.cov: Coverage (number of hospitals reporting) for total flu cases

  • cov.admits: Count of COVID cases among admitted patients on previous day

  • cov.admits.cov: Coverage (number of hospitals reporting) for incident COVID cases

  • cov.deaths: Count of COVID deaths on previous day

  • cov.deaths.cov: Coverage (number of hospitals reporting) for COVID deaths

If limitcols=TRUE then the only columns returned will be those listed above. However, if limitcols=FALSE then the function will additionally return all other fields in the state-aggregated hospitalization data.


The data retrieval will proceed whether or not an API token has been supplied via the app_token argument. However, to avoid possible rate limits it is recommended to retrieve a token for the API (, and add that token as an entry to .Renviron with HEALTHDATA_APP_TOKEN="yourtokenhere".


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Retrieve hospitalization data (all columns)
# Retrieve hospitalization data (limited columns)
} # }