Reads in a PLINK-formatted .fam file. Input file must have six columns:

  1. Family ID

  2. Individual ID

  3. Father ID

  4. Mother ID

  5. Sex

  6. Affected Status




Input file path


A tibble containing the 6 columns from the fam file.


famfile <- system.file("extdata", "3gens.fam", package="skater", mustWork=TRUE)
fam <- read_fam(famfile)
#> # A tibble: 64 × 6
#>    fid      id                dadid             momid               sex affected
#>    <chr>    <chr>             <chr>             <chr>             <int>    <int>
#>  1 testped1 testped1_g1-b1-s1 0                 0                     1        1
#>  2 testped1 testped1_g1-b1-i1 0                 0                     2        1
#>  3 testped1 testped1_g2-b1-s1 0                 0                     1        1
#>  4 testped1 testped1_g2-b1-i1 testped1_g1-b1-s1 testped1_g1-b1-i1     2        1
#>  5 testped1 testped1_g2-b2-s1 0                 0                     1        1
#>  6 testped1 testped1_g2-b2-i1 testped1_g1-b1-s1 testped1_g1-b1-i1     2        1
#>  7 testped1 testped1_g3-b1-i1 testped1_g2-b1-s1 testped1_g2-b1-i1     2        1
#>  8 testped1 testped1_g3-b2-i1 testped1_g2-b2-s1 testped1_g2-b2-i1     1        1
#>  9 testped2 testped2_g1-b1-s1 0                 0                     2        1
#> 10 testped2 testped2_g1-b1-i1 0                 0                     1        1
#> # … with 54 more rows