"Converts" a kinship coefficient to put on the same scale as shared cM using the formula \(cm <- pmin(3560, 4*pmax(0, k)*3560)\).
Kinship coefficient (numeric, typically between 0 and .5, although KING can produce values <0).
A vector of numeric estimated cM, ranging from 0-3560.
#> [1] 3560
#> [1] 1780
#> [1] 890
dibble(9) %>% dplyr::mutate(cm=kin2cm(k))
#> # A tibble: 11 × 5
#> degree k l u cm
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0 0.5 0.354 1 3560
#> 2 1 0.25 0.177 0.354 3560
#> 3 2 0.125 0.0884 0.177 1780
#> 4 3 0.0625 0.0442 0.0884 890
#> 5 4 0.0312 0.0221 0.0442 445
#> 6 5 0.0156 0.0110 0.0221 222.
#> 7 6 0.00781 0.00552 0.0110 111.
#> 8 7 0.00391 0.00276 0.00552 55.6
#> 9 8 0.00195 0.00138 0.00276 27.8
#> 10 9 0.000977 0.000691 0.00138 13.9
#> 11 NA 0 -1 0.000691 0