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This function wraps PLANES scoring for specified components across all locations in single step.


plane_score(input, seed, components = "all", args = NULL, weights = NULL)



Input signal data to be scored; object must be one of forecast or observed


Prepared seed


Character vector specifying component; must be either "all" or any combination of "cover", "diff", "taper", "trend", "repeat", "shape", and "zero"; default is "all" and will use all available components for the given signal


Named list of arguments for component functions. List elements must be named to match the given component and arguments passed as a nested list (e.g., args = list("trend" = list("sig_lvl" = 0.05))). Default is NULL and defaults for all components will be used


Named vector with weights to be applied; default is NULL and all components will be equally weighted; if not NULL then the length of the vector must equal the number of components, with each component given a numeric weight (see Examples). Specified weights must be real numbers greater than or equal to 1.


A list with scoring results for all locations.


# \donttest{
## read in example observed data and prep observed signal
hosp <- read.csv(system.file("extdata/observed/hdgov_hosp_weekly.csv", package = "rplanes"))

hosp$date <- as.Date(hosp$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
prepped_observed <- to_signal(hosp, outcome = "flu.admits", type = "observed", resolution = "weeks")

## read in example forecast and prep forecast signal
fp <- system.file("extdata/forecast/2022-10-31-SigSci-TSENS.csv", package = "rplanes")
prepped_forecast <- read_forecast(fp) %>%
  to_signal(., outcome = "flu.admits", type = "forecast", horizon = 4)

## prepare seed with cut date
prepped_seed <- plane_seed(prepped_observed, cut_date = "2022-10-29")

## run plane scoring with all components
plane_score(input = prepped_forecast, seed = prepped_seed)

## run plane scoring with select components
plane_score(input = prepped_forecast, seed = prepped_seed, components = c("cover","taper"))

## run plane scoring with all components and additional args
trend_args <- list("sig_lvl" = 0.05)
repeat_args <- list("prepend" = 4, "tolerance" = 8)
shape_args <- list("method" = "dtw")
comp_args <- list("trend" = trend_args, "repeat" = repeat_args, "shape" = shape_args)
plane_score(input = prepped_forecast, seed = prepped_seed, args = comp_args)

## run plane scoring with specific components and weights
comps <- c("cover", "taper", "diff")
wts <- c("cover" = 1.5, "taper" = 1, "diff" = 4)
plane_score(input = prepped_forecast, seed = prepped_seed, components = comps, weights = wts)

# }