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Adapted from cdcfluview::hospitalizations.

This unexported helper function leverages the CDC FluView API to pull influenza hospitalizations collected by surveillance instruments (including FluSurv-NET). The data retrieved can be parameterized by geographic granularity and/or flu season, and includes hospitalization rates by age group. The function is used internally by get_cdc_hosp.


  surveillance_area = c("flusurv", "eip", "ihsp"),
  region = "all",
  years = NULL



One of "flusurv", "eip", or "ihsp"


Individual region within the surveillance area selected; default "all" mimics selecting "Entire Network" from the CDC FluView application drop down; see "Details" for list of valid region values for each surveillance area


A vector of years to retrieve data for (i.e. 2014 for CDC flu season 2014-2015). CDC has data for this API going back to 2009 and up until the previous flu season. Default value (NULL) means retrieve all years. NOTE: if you happen to specify a 2-digit season value (i.e. 56 == 2016-2017) the function is smart enough to retrieve by season ID vs convert that to a year.


NOTE: The list of regions was compiled in February 2023 by querying the CDC FluView API. Individual regions may not be accessible in all cases. As of late 2023, the query was only returning results for the "Entire Network" selection.

Each possible value "surveillance_area" ("flusurv", "eip", or "ihsp") can be further queried by region. The following is a list of valid regions:

  • flusurv: "Entire Network"

  • eip: "Entire Network", "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Georgia", "Maryland", "Minnesota", "New Mexico", "New York - Albany", "New York - Rochester", "Oregon, "Tennessee"

  • ihsp: "Entire Network", "Idaho", "Iowa", "Michigan", "Ohio", "Oklahoma", "Rhode Island", "South Dakota", "Utah"