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This helper function is used in glm_wrap to fit a list of models and select the best one. The model selection procedure will use the root mean square error (RMSE) metric implemented in yardstick::rmse to select the best model.


glm_fit(.data, .models, complete = TRUE)



Data including all explanatory and outcome variables needed for modeling; must include column for "location"


List of models defined as trending::trending_model objects


Logical as to whether or not all observations for covariates must be available in a given model; default is TRUE


A tibble containing characteristics from the "best" glm model including:

  • model_class: The "type" of model for the best fit

  • fit: The fitted model object for the best fit stored as a list column

  • location: The geographic unit being modeled

  • data: Original model fit data as a tibble in a list column