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This function provides a naive nowcasting method for clinical laboratory percent positive flu data. The methodology simply averages the last 4 weeks of available data and uses this average as the value for the number of weeks specified to replace. The function will always add 1 additional week to the observed data and (optionally) replace the number of weeks specified in the "weeks_to_replace" argument. This is useful given that there is reporting lag in the NREVSS clinical laboratory percent positive flu data.


clin_nowcast(clin, weeks_to_replace = 1)



Data prepared with get_cdc_clin


Number of retrospective weeks to replace with nowcast; default is 1


A tibble with the following columns:

  • abbreviation: Abbreviation for the location

  • location: FIPS code for the location

  • epiyear: Year of reporting (in epidemiological week calendar)

  • epiweek: Week of reporting (in epidemiological week calendar)

  • week_start: Date of beginning (Sunday) of the given epidemiological week

  • p_positive: Percentage of positive specimens

  • n_positive: Total number of positive specimens

  • total: Total number of specimens tested


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Get data for Texas
tx_clin <-
  get_cdc_clin(region = "state") %>%
  dplyr::filter(location == "48")

# Look at most recent observations
tx_clin %>%
  dplyr::arrange(week_start) %>%

# Now augment with default 1 week nowcast
tx_clin %>%
  clin_nowcast(., weeks_to_replace = 1) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(week_start) %>%

# And again augmented with 2 week nowcast instead
tx_clin %>%
  clin_nowcast(., weeks_to_replace = 2) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(week_start) %>%

} # }