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Builds a Docker image created by use_docker or add_dockerfile. This function is run as part of use_docker when build = TRUE is set, but can be used on its own.


  pkg_path = ".",
  img_path = NULL,
  cache = TRUE,
  tag = NULL,
  build = TRUE



Path to the package directory. Default is "." for the current working directory, which assumes developer is working in R package root. However, this can be set to another path as needed.


Path to the write the docker image definition contents. The default NULL will use docker/ as a subdirectory of the pkg_path.


Logical; should caching be used? Default TRUE. Set to FALSE to use --no-cache in docker build.


Image tag to use; default is NULL and the image will be tagged with package name version from pkg_info.


Logical as to whether or not the image should be built. Default is TRUE, and if FALSE the docker build command will be messaged. Setting build=FALSE could be useful if additional docker build options or different tags are desired. In either case the docker build command will be returned invisibly.


Invisibly returns the docker build command. Primarily called for its side effects, which runs the docker build as a system command.


if (FALSE) {
# Specify path to example package source and copy to tempdir()
# Note that in practice you do not need to copy to a tempdir()
# And in fact it may be easiest to use pracpac relative to your package directory root
ex_pkg_src <- system.file("hellow", package = "pracpac", mustWork = TRUE)
file.copy(from = ex_pkg_src, to = tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)

# Run use_docker to create Docker directory and assets for the example package
use_docker(pkg_path = file.path(tempdir(), "hellow"))

# Build the image
build_image(pkg_path = file.path(tempdir(), "hellow"))
# Or construct the image build command without building
build_cmd <- build_image(pkg_path = file.path(tempdir(), "hellow"), build=FALSE)