
The time series forecasting pipeline depends on time series models fit with the model function. This function provides a wrapper that allows the user to pass in a list of function definitions and return a list of model outputs (mable objects) corresponding to each fit. The function also allows the user to pass in a vector of multiple outcome variable names (i.e. "ideaths" and "icases").

NOTE: The functionality in ts_fit() is experimental. Users may find more flexibility using the model function to fit models to be used downstream in ts_forecast().

ts_fit(.data, outcomes, .fun, single = TRUE)



Data to use for modeling


Character vector specifying names of the column to use as the outcome


List of modeling functions to use


Boolean indicating whether or not a "shortcut" should be used to return a single tibble; only works if there is one outcome ("outcomes") and one model function (".fun"); default is TRUE


A single mable (model table) if (single = TRUE) or a named list of mables (if single = FALSE). For more details on data structure see mable.