The submission file for the COVID-19 Forecast Hub must adhere to requirements for file format, column names, target identifiers, and date ranges for horizons. This function takes output from a focustools forecasting function (e.g. ts_forecast) and prepares an appropriately formatted object that can be written to a file. Formatting steps include constructing a valid string for horizon and target name (e.g. '3 wk ahead inc case'), computing the 'target_end_date' value based on the epidemiological week for the horizon, filtering distributional cutpoints for certain targets ('inc case' only needs 7 of the quantiles), converting all estimates to integers, and bounding all predicted values at minimum of 0.

format_for_submission(.forecast, target_name)



Forecast object


Name of the target for the forecast; must be one of 'inc case', 'inc death', or 'cum death'


A tibble with target names and quantiles/point estimates formatted per the COVID-19 Forecast Hub submission guidelines.
